Terms & Conditions

Effective Date: 15 September 2023

Welcome to Zalure Travel. By using our website and services, you agree to comply with these Terms & Conditions. Please read them carefully.

1. Use of Our Services:

You must be at least 18 years old to use our services. You agree to provide accurate and complete information when submitting enquiries or forms on our website.

2. Pricing and Payments:

Our prices are subject to change without notice. Payment details will be provided when booking a luxury travel experience with us. Payment methods accepted will be specified during the booking process.

3. Cancellations and Refunds:

Cancellation policies for our travel experiences vary and will be communicated to you at the time of booking. Refund eligibility is subject to these policies.

4. Intellectual Property:

All content on our website, including text, images, and logos, is our intellectual property and may not be used without our permission.

5. Limitation of Liability:

We are not responsible for any loss, injury, or damage resulting from your use of our services. We recommend purchasing travel insurance for added protection.

6. Governing Law:

These Terms & Conditions are governed by the laws of South Africa. Any disputes will be resolved in the appropriate South African courts.

7. Engagement fee’s:

A non-refundable engagement fee is required to initiate our services. This fee covers the initial planning and coordination necessary to curate a tailored experience for our clients. The amount of the engagement fee will be communicated upon agreement of services and is separate from any additional costs incurred during the course of the engagement. The engagement fee is payable upon acceptance of our services and is non-transferable.
8. Confidentiality Clause:
Both parties agree to uphold strict confidentiality regarding any information shared during the course of our engagement. This includes but is not limited to personal details, preferences, and any proprietary information. Neither party shall disclose such information to third parties without the explicit written consent of the other party. This commitment to confidentiality extends beyond the duration of our engagement.